Sea Otter Diary - 1 Aug

Shooting the Sea Otters

We all get up at the usual time and have breakfast. Today we're on the boat with Randall. I'm on the radar binoculars, counting the distance to the otters as they are photographed. It's a beautiful sunny day. We track a couple of male otters and photograph them. Lunchtime arrives quickly so we head back to camp. After eating we head off and follow some more otters. Bruce sits at the front of the boat spotting them, and then Randall gets ready with the camera as we approach. I get a fix with the binoculars as Randall shoots and Laura-Lee writes down all the data. There's the occasional discrepancy between the number of shots Randall thinks he's taken and the number of shots we think we've heard.

Then we head back to camp early since there's two days worth of mud to sieve. Randall shows us how to use the stack of sieves to filter the mud into large and small components. Pretty soon we're covered in mud. The sieves are weighed to get the proportion of different sized particles, and a sub-sample is bagged to go back to Texas for detailed analysis.

For dinner I'm presented with a squash. Not something I've ever eaten before. It's very sweet, and that's unusual for a main course dish. Rebecca and Lori are concerned that I don't like it, but if I didn't like it I wouldn't eat it. My mother knows that.

There's deep philosophical conversation until very late. It's nearly midnight when we all crawl back down from the cabin to the tents and get some sleep.

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